Tuesday, March 31, 2009
More Support for the WWP!
It's great to see the word spreading about the WWP. I just spoke to a friend back home, and we are in the weeds planning a charity run through the Big Thicket National Preserve in order to raise funds for the WWP as well. Hopefully, with the word spreading to Italy and me finally getting a run or two planned and organized, I can meet and beat my monetary goal of $10,000 for 2009.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Getting there...
I made a remark the other day to a friend that I was running 4 miles in the beautiful 80+ degree Texas heat after work. She quickly asked me if I was being chased. Not a bad question, considering the elements. I had to think about my response to her, but all that came out was a laugh and a "no". On my run Sunday, I started thinking about her question and the REAL answer pretty much hit me square in the face.
I have some great friends serving overseas right now. Friends that I certainly consider brothers. Do you know how many of them would love to just wake up in the morning, throw on their Camelbak and their iPod and head off on a nice 2 hour run? Mind you, they are sold into their current mission of defeating tyranny, but if you asked them if they'd rather be home enjoying their families or being deployed, most, if not all, would much rather be back home.
I think we as Americans, THE fattest country in the world, take our means and ability to exercise for granted. Not every country has the same means to stay in shape as Americans...yet year in and year out, we are the fattest and most obese group of people in the entire world. I've always had a pet peeve, and it still irks me to this day. Whenever I am running and I see someone running/walking, it bothers me to no end. Can't tell ya why, it just does. For all I know that person could be on the tail end of a 50 mile run, but when I see them running and then start walking and then start running and then start walking...it angers me.
But, that's another talk for another time. Bottom line, I run for three main reasons: 1) I want to successfully run races to raise money for the WWP 2) I run because I have many friends that would love to be running with me, but cannot, and 3) I run because I care about my health and my body, and I want to see the look on Sam's and Joe's face when they hold their first child and I want to see the smile on Regina's face during our 50th wedding anniversary party.
So, in summation, great run on Sunday. I ran 8 miles in 1:08. I'm almost to the Ranger School standard of 8:00 minute miles for 5 miles. That would put me at 1:04...not too much farther. I'm looking for some races to run around the Houston area, maybe a half marathon or two, so if anyone knows any worth running, please let me know. Thanks.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Running is contagious...

So I went for a nice long run last Sunday morning at 545 am (actually it was 645 am because I forgot about that whole "spring forward" thing) and I came across a cool sight. As I ran down Fry Road, I began to notice more runners than usual for a Sunday morning. Then I began to notice mile markers and directional signs for the runners. When I got to my 2 mile mark at the Seven Lakes High School, I saw a tent surrounded by huge pole lights...and even more runners. Judging from the condition of the runners and the mere fact that it wasn't even light out yet, I suspected they had been running for quite awhile.
So, on my way back I stopped and talked to the folks at the finish line. I was corrected in that this was not the finish line...the finish line was on the other side of Houston at the San Jacinto Monument. The race was organized by teams of 8 - 12 members, both male and female. The teams started the race in Gonzales, Texas, where the Texas Revolution began and they ran a relay to the San Jacinto Monument, where Texas Independence was won. The run itself is composed of 40 legs of varying lengths. In total, the run is over 200 miles long...
So...what I'm thinking is next year, I get a team together and we run to raise money for The Wounded Warrior Project. I've invited several of my Army friends to join me, and I plan on extending the invite to some of my neighbors who enjoy running as well. If you would be interested in joining the team, check out the website below to get a better understanding of the race, and let me know if you are interested.